Norman Cheung

Norman Cheung

Norman Cheung is a powerlifting and accredited strength and conditioning coach under the UKSCA. He has been coaching powerlifting since 2012 and has been an IPF Team GB coach since 2016. Alongside coaching, he is interested in helping powerlifters take their first step into coaching. He currently runs his coaching services at Strong Ambition Coaching. You can connect with him on LinkedIn or Instagram.

Bodybuilding has been mainstream for many years, and when powerlifting rose in popularity, a hybrid training goal was born: powerbuilding.  Powerbuilding and powerlifting are similar … Continue ReadingPowerlifting vs. Powerbuilding: Differences + Examples

When I first started experimenting with different squat variations I always found the front squat and overhead squat to be extremely challenging.   For you, it … Continue ReadingWhy Are Squats So Hard? (10 Squat Exercises To Improve)

The best shoes for weightlifting are the Reebok Legacy Lifter II because they have a very supportive, wide metatarsal strap positioned in just the right … Continue Reading10 Best Weightlifting Shoes for Every Type of Lifter

If you are a powerlifter, you need a strong back. A famous saying by the great Bill Kazmaier says, โ€œTo be a strong man, you … Continue ReadingTop 15 Best Compound Back Exercises Rated by Powerlifters

Rear delts can be trained in numerous ways at the gym or even at home, using various pieces of equipment. Most people train the rear … Continue Reading20 Best Rear Delt Exercises: From A Strength & Conditioning Coach

The deadlift is both a back and a leg exercise. It primarily works your entire posterior chain, including your back, glutes, and hamstrings.  As a … Continue ReadingIs Deadlift A Back Exercise?

Whether you are looking to create a workout with bars or are looking to implement barbell exercises into your routine, you can refer to this … Continue ReadingThe 25+ Best Barbell Exercises (For Each Muscle Group)

Compound leg exercises are great for developing lower body muscle mass, strength, and explosive power. They allow you to load multiple leg muscle groups simultaneously … Continue Reading9 Compound Leg Exercises That Should Be In Every Program

Hex bar deadlifts use a hexagon-shaped bar that goes all around you. This allows you to stand straight up with the weight plates at your … Continue ReadingHex Bar Deadlifts: How-Tos & Common Mistakes

A cable machine is a versatile piece of equipment to have at home that complements your other fitness equipment like free weights. With a bit … Continue Reading11 Best Cable Machines for Home Gyms

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