Norman Cheung

Norman Cheung

Norman Cheung is a powerlifting and accredited strength and conditioning coach under the UKSCA. He has been coaching powerlifting since 2012 and has been an IPF Team GB coach since 2016. Alongside coaching, he is interested in helping powerlifters take their first step into coaching. He currently runs his coaching services at Strong Ambition Coaching. You can connect with him on LinkedIn or Instagram.

The dead bench press is one of my favourite bench press variations for developing strength off the chest It is very popular among powerlifters or hellip Continue ReadingDead Bench Press How To Benefits Muscles Worked<

High rep squats are commonly used in training among different populations including powerlifters bodybuilders and weightlifters nbsp nbsp What are high rep squats High rep squats are hellip Continue ReadingWhat Are The Benefits of

Most people who squat in their training often squat between 1 to 3 times a week but a group of people out there squat every hellip Continue ReadingShould You Squat Every Day <

Performing front squats with straps is a practice popularized by powerlifters but is now commonly used by bodybuilders gym goers injured weightlifters and those that lack hellip Continue ReadingFront Squat With Straps How 038

Narrow stance squats are commonly performed variations of squats among powerlifters weightlifters and bodybuilders to bring up weaknesses and develop leg muscle size nbsp What is hellip Continue ReadingNarrow Stance Squats Pros Cons Should You

There is an indefinite number of ways you could combine exercises in your training program which is why programming can be considered as an art hellip Continue ReadingCan You Squat and

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