Norman Cheung

Norman Cheung

Norman Cheung is a powerlifting and accredited strength and conditioning coach under the UKSCA. He has been coaching powerlifting since 2012 and has been an IPF Team GB coach since 2016. Alongside coaching, he is interested in helping powerlifters take their first step into coaching. He currently runs his coaching services at Strong Ambition Coaching. You can connect with him on LinkedIn or Instagram.

Most people will tell you that you need to eat more if you want to get stronger and more muscular. But how many calories should … Continue ReadingHow Many Calories Should I Eat To Gain Muscle? (Complete Guide)

Pull-ups are among the most popular back exercises for building strength and muscle mass around the lats and biceps. They can also be used to … Continue Reading14 Best Pull-Up Alternatives: Sculpt Your Back & Biceps

Many people think they must train their legs with either barbells or machines to get a good workout. This is far from the truth, as … Continue ReadingBest Dumbbell Leg Workout: 15 Exercises for Strength & Size

Sauna suits are a great piece of fitness garment whether you use them for your workouts or to lose water weight for an event like … Continue ReadingHow To Wash A Sauna Suit? What NOT To Do

The sauna suit is one of those pieces of fitness equipment where its efficacy in achieving various health and fitness benefits is hotly debated. One … Continue ReadingAre Sauna Suits Good For Losing Fat? What The Science Says

Sauna suits are becoming more and more popular in the fitness industry. They were popularized by athletes who train for boxing and are often used … Continue Reading7 Sauna Suit Benefits & Are They Worth It?

The Russian twist is a popular exercise for training the abdominal and oblique muscle groups. However, not everyone wants to lay on the floor, and … Continue Reading10 Best Russian Twist Alternatives That Work Better

The landmine is great for training different muscle groups with common exercises like the T-bar row and landmine press. However, the landmine is an underrated … Continue Reading8 Best Landmine Core Exercises: How-To & Tips

Dumbbell pullovers are among the most common lat isolation exercises most gym-goers perform. As simple and accessible as it is for beginners and beyond, other … Continue Reading8 Best Dumbbell Pullover Alternatives: How-Tos & Tips

If you have back pain, an injury, or lower back soreness but still want to train the glutes, you’ll need to choose exercises that don’t … Continue Reading8 Back-Friendly Glute Exercises (Build Glutes & Avoid Pain)

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