Athina Crilley

Athina Crilley

Athina Crilley is a Biochemistry graduate passionate about health, fitness, and medicine. She has been copywriting for over five years, and is the host and producer of Finding Flo podcast, which focuses on women’s health and hormones. You can connect with her on YoutubeInstagram, or LinkedIn.   Education: Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry from Lancaster University

One of the debates in the world of strength is high bar vs low bar squat 8211 which is better nbsp You need to know where hellip Continue ReadingHigh Bar

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Getting a workout bench set to use at home enhances your gym routine and enables you to perform various exercises Weight benches allow you to hellip Continue Reading14 Best Weight Benches for Home Workouts<

If you exercise immediately before going to work in the mornings or you often workout before meeting up with your friends having a shower available hellip Continue Reading18 Best Gyms With Showers Cleanliness 038 What

Most gyms have personal trainers that are available to book for one to one or group sessions Some gyms might even offer a few free personal training hellip Continue Reading9 Best Gyms With Trainers

Joining a gym with a basketball court can you give you a chance for fun cardio on recovery days Here are the 7 best gyms hellip Continue Reading7 Best Gyms With Basketball Courts Costs

Taking your children with you to the gym and trusting they 8217 ll get great care will let you focus on your workout and save money However hellip Continue Reading​​11 Best Gyms With Childcare

Alongside bent over rows pull ups are one of the most effective exercises for strengthening your lats nbsp Despite being a staple compound exercise for the upper body hellip Continue ReadingHow To Activate

Throughout my lifting career there has been no better piece of powerlifting equipment for keeping my wrists healthy and strong than wrist wraps This is hellip Continue Reading13 Best Wrist Wraps for Powerlifting

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