Elena Popadic

Elena Popadic

Elena Popadic is a registered occupational therapist and has worked within the fitness industry for over 6 years. She is the co-host of the Squats and Thoughts podcast, and trains and competes as a powerlifter. You can connect with her on Instagram or LinkedIn.
  • Education:
    • Master's degree in Occupational Therapy from Western University
    • Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences from McMaster University
  • Certification: Postgraduate Certificate in Public Relations from Humber College

How do you start powerlifting and getting stronger at 50? Much like a younger lifter, a person in their 50s can start powerlifting by learning … Continue ReadingPowerlifting For Over 50: How To Start & Get Stronger

Powerlifting is not just a sport for 20-somethings and those over 40 years old may be surprised at what their bodies can handle as well … Continue ReadingPowerlifting For Over 40: How To Start & Get Stronger

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Among the multiple bench press variations, the decline bench press tends to be ignored by many gym-goers and lifters, however it does provide several benefits … Continue Reading6 Decline Bench Press Benefits (Plus, 1 Drawback)

The close grip bench press is a common variation of the bench press used by regular gym-goers, strength and general sport athletes. It is used … Continue ReadingClose Grip Bench Press: Benefits, How-To, & Muscles Worked

Squatting with plates under your heels, although not a very common practice, is still a tool used to help many learn and maximize their squatting … Continue ReadingSquatting With Plates Under Heels: Should You Do It?

Whether you have dreams of competing as a powerlifter or weightlifter, or just want to get the benefits of squatting lower, there are a host … Continue Reading22 Exercises To Improve Squat Depth (That Actually Work)

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The squat walkout is an often overlooked, but fundamental, piece of executing the lift in the most effective way possible.  How do you perform a … Continue ReadingSquat Walkout: 7 Common Mistakes Lifters Make

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