Norman Cheung

Norman Cheung

Norman Cheung is a powerlifting and accredited strength and conditioning coach under the UKSCA. He has been coaching powerlifting since 2012 and has been an IPF Team GB coach since 2016. Alongside coaching, he is interested in helping powerlifters take their first step into coaching. He currently runs his coaching services at Strong Ambition Coaching. You can connect with him on LinkedIn or Instagram.
Choosing the Best Deadlift Stance Width for your Size

Choosing the Best Deadlift Stance Width for your Size

For conventional deadlifts there are certain things with your technique that should be universal and certain things that should be individualized Catering the technique to hellip Continue ReadingChoosing the Best Deadlift Stance Width for your

The hook grip is a beneficial deadlift grip but it will hurt for most people You might be put off by the pain and avoid hellip Continue ReadingHook Grip Hurts Why This Happens 038 How

One of the most important elements of setting up the bench press is the breathing and bracing process The two main reasons for this are hellip Continue ReadingHow To Breathe Correctly In The Bench

Squats can have a large carryover to deadlifts particularly due to the larger range of motion you move through in squats I have personally run hellip Continue ReadingDoes Deadlifting Carry Over To Squats

In my coaching career I have programmed powerlifters to deadlift with both higher and lower frequencies It is traditionally not a lift that individuals enjoy hellip Continue ReadingHow Many Times

Many people can present poor technique in the deadlift One way poor technique can present itself in the deadlift is through hitching Lifters have different hellip Continue ReadingWhat Is A Deadlift Hitch And How To Avoid

Making your way to a powerlifting meet is not just about turning up in your best physical state there will be essential and optional items hellip Continue ReadingWhat Should You Bring To A Powerlifting Meet

Powerlifting is a sport of growing popularity in the United States of America For that reason there are plenty of different powerlifting federations that you hellip Continue ReadingUSAPL vs USPA What Are The Differences <

The dead bench press is one of my favourite bench press variations for developing strength off the chest It is very popular among powerlifters or hellip Continue ReadingDead Bench Press How To Benefits Muscles Worked<

High rep squats are commonly used in training among different populations including powerlifters bodybuilders and weightlifters nbsp nbsp What are high rep squats High rep squats are hellip Continue ReadingWhat Are The Benefits of

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