Norman Cheung
Most people who squat in their training often squat between 1 to 3 times a week, but a group of people out there squat every … Continue ReadingShould You Squat Every Day?
Performing front squats with straps is a practice popularized by powerlifters but is now commonly used by bodybuilders, gym-goers, injured weightlifters, and those that lack … Continue ReadingFront Squat With Straps: How & Why You Should Do It
Narrow stance squats are commonly performed variations of squats among powerlifters, weightlifters and bodybuilders to bring up weaknesses and develop leg muscle size. What is … Continue ReadingNarrow Stance Squats: Pros, Cons, Should You Do It?
There is an indefinite number of ways you could combine exercises in your training program, which is why programming can be considered as an art … Continue ReadingCan You Squat and Deadlift In The Same Workout?