Avi Silverberg holds a Master's of Science degree in Exercise Science with a research focus on powerlifting training. He's been the Head Coach for Team Canada Powerlifting since 2012 and has coached over 4500 attempts in international competition. You can connect with him on Instagram or LinkedIn.
bench press accessories

10 Bench Press Accessories To Improve Strength & Technique

As a powerlifting coach and athlete I 8217 ve researched and observed some of the best techniques in the World Through this process I 8217 ve identified the top hellip Continue Reading10 Bench Press Accessories

You 8217 ve probably seen pictures of people from Asian countries performing a deep squat You might even have friends who have traveled to an Asian country hellip Continue ReadingAsian Squat What Is It What 8217

The squat is a complex movement pattern which relies on superior coordination between your various joints and muscle groups However it 8217 s my job as a hellip Continue Reading9 Squat Cues To Improve Technique And

If you 8217 re the type of person who squats with an excessive forward lean then you may be limiting the amount of weight you can ultimately hellip Continue ReadingHow To Fix Leaning

Over my 15 year powerlifting career I squatted anywhere from 1 4 times per week You might think that squatting more frequently is necessary in order to hellip Continue ReadingHow

Picking a grip on the bench press is an important decision in order to maximize strength and performance The grip you choose will impact the hellip Continue ReadingWide Grip Bench Press Is It Better

The triceps have an important role in the bench press If your triceps are weak then you 8217 ll struggle to lock the weight out I always hellip Continue Reading16 Best

One of the best deadlift variations is the pause deadlift It is the single most effective exercise to build a stronger bottom position and emphasize hellip Continue ReadingHow to Pause Deadlift Technique Benefits Muscles Worked <

Pause squats are some of the best squat accessories They are used to develop explosiveness out of the hole increase quad strength and improve balance hellip Continue ReadingPause Squats How To Benefits 038 Muscles Worked<

This article is the ultimate front squat exercise guide Implementing front squats into your training can increase overall sport performance posture strength and muscle growth hellip Continue ReadingUltimate Front Squat Guide Technique Benefits Tips <

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