Avi Silverberg holds a Master's of Science degree in Exercise Science with a research focus on powerlifting training. He's been the Head Coach for Team Canada Powerlifting since 2012 and has coached over 4500 attempts in international competition. You can connect with him on Instagram or LinkedIn.

How Do Powerlifters Train Arms? (Definitive Guide)

Powerlifters love to talk about training the squat bench press and deadlift because those are the competition movements However powerlifters make the mistake of neglecting hellip Continue ReadingHow Do Powerlifters Train Arms Definitive Guide <

There are a lot of powerlifting purists who don 8217 t think anyone should use partial squats because it 8217 s considered 8216 cheating 8217 compared with the full squat While hellip Continue ReadingPartial Squats Benefits

When teaching the bench press I always instruct my athletes to have 1 2 cues in mind These bench press cues draw lifters 8217 attention to important hellip Continue Reading13 Bench Press Cues For Max

The suicide grip for bench press is called the 8216 false grip 8217 or 8216 thumbless grip 8217 Instead of wrapping your thumb underneath the barbell you place the hellip Continue ReadingShould You

Whether or not you squat ass to grass is one of the most contentious topics in strength training circles You have some coaches who believe that anything hellip Continue ReadingShould You Squat Ass To

As a powerlifting coach I 8217 ve tried and tested several deadlift accessories for my athletes in order to break through plateaus in strength I 8217 ve identified the hellip Continue Reading12 Deadlift Accessories To Increase

When attempting a max bench press you should use every possible advantage to get the weight up This includes using your legs which is what hellip Continue ReadingThe Proper Way To Use Leg Drive

When deciding to do the sumo deadlift you have a range of choices when it comes to how to set up your foot position Where hellip Continue ReadingSemi Sumo Deadlift Should You Do It Complete

The 8220 good morning squat 8221 is not a good position to be in while squatting It 8217 s characterized when you drive out of the bottom of the squat hellip Continue ReadingThe Good Morning

In a powerlifting competition you must pause the bench press on your chest before being allowed to drive it up For this reason it 8217 s best hellip Continue ReadingTouch and Go Bench

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