Avi Silverberg holds a Master's of Science degree in Exercise Science with a research focus on powerlifting training. He's been the Head Coach for Team Canada Powerlifting since 2012 and has coached over 4500 attempts in international competition. You can connect with him on Instagram or LinkedIn.

The Most Effective Bench Press Warm Up (Science-Backed)

Shortly after I implemented a structured warm up routine for my bench press workouts I felt more prepared to handle heavier weights confidently What s a great hellip Continue ReadingThe Most Effective Bench Press

Here 8217 s a good deadlift warm up I can usually do this in 15 20 minutes before a set while less experienced clients can get it done in hellip Continue ReadingBest

Before you get under the bar to start squatting you should have a solid warm up routine to ensure your muscles are stretched primed and ready hellip Continue ReadingHow To Warm Up

Tempo can be manipulated to create widely different training effects It refers to the time your muscles spend under load or 8216 tension 8217 which can be hellip Continue ReadingThe Best Bench Press Tempo

If your elbows are 8220 in 8221 it means that they are tucking closer to the body while benching If your elbows are 8220 out 8221 it means that hellip Continue Reading<span class=

I was giving a two day seminar to a group of 15 personal trainers on powerlifting techniques When we started the squat module I asked 8220 How hellip Continue ReadingCan

When people think of a powerlifting squat it usually conjures up images of someone squatting in an ultra wide stance far exceeding shoulder width But are wide hellip Continue ReadingAre Wide Squats

I always strugged to get deeper in my squats until I implemented a few simple things Some were 8216 quick wins 8217 that immediately made a difference hellip Continue Reading9 Tips To Squat

I always felt more comfortable looking slightly in front of my feet when squatting But I never knew if this was correct or not so hellip Continue ReadingWhere Should I Look When

A few years ago at a powerlifting competition I was wrapping my knees for a squat attempt and another athlete turned to me and said hellip Continue ReadingWhat Is

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