Adam Gardner

Adam Gardner

Adam Gardner is a proud resident of Utah, living with his wife and two kids. He has been competing in powerlifting since 2016 in both the USPA and the APF. For the past three years, he and his wife, Merrili, have coached beginning lifters to learn the fundamentals of powerlifting and compete in their first powerlifting competitions. You can connect with him onĀ LinkedIn.
  • Education: Bachelor of Arts in Russian Language and Literature from Brigham Young University
Can You Train Biceps And Chest On The Same Day

Can You Train Biceps And Chest On The Same Day? (3 Benefits)

While you could train your whole upper body in a single workout it makes more sense to focus on specific muscles especially if you re training hellip Continue ReadingCan You Train Biceps And

Whether you re trying to improve your athleticism by becoming more powerful or you re interested in training for strength or hypertrophy the speed with which you hellip Continue ReadingIs It Better to Do

While your arms and legs may seem like two different body parts that should be trained by themselves you may wonder if they can be hellip Continue ReadingCan You Train Legs And Arms

While many popular training splits will have you training legs and shoulders on different days we wanted to explore the potential benefits of training legs hellip Continue ReadingCan You Train Legs and Shoulders

While there are seemingly endless possibilities on how to structure your workouts one less talked about is training back and legs on the same day nbsp nbsp hellip Continue ReadingCan You Train Back And

While you can certainly train shoulders and biceps on different days as that s how many bro splits are structured how effective is training these muscle hellip Continue ReadingCan You Train Shoulders And Biceps

When considering how to break up your training two popular splits are the Bro Split and the Upper Lower split nbsp While they are similar in hellip Continue ReadingBro Split vs Upper Lower

For lifters just getting started two great ways to break up your workouts are with the full body split and the upper lower split nbsp Each hellip Continue ReadingUpper Lower vs Full Body

Two very popular training splits or ways to break up which muscles you exercise each workout are a Full Body split and the Bro Split nbsp hellip Continue ReadingFull Body vs Bro Split

When it comes time to train your chest you might have your favorite chest exercises like bench press that you know you re going to do hellip Continue ReadingWhat Else Should I Do On Chest Day

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