Jace Fuchs

Jace Fuchs

Jace Fuchs has an M.S. in kinesiology and sports performance and is currently in the process of getting his Ph.D. in exercise and sports science. He's worked within the fitness industry for the better part of a decade, and before that, he served in the US Army Infantry. He's also a content developer for NASM and an exercise science professor. In his free time, you can find him grilling in his backyard in Arizona. You can connect with him on Instagram or LinkedIn.
  • Education:
    • Master of Science in Kinesiology
    • Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Wellness
  • Favorite Post-Workout Meal: Steak and potatoes

The goblet squat is a variation of the traditional squat that adds more upper body and core activation. You can also get more depth to … Continue ReadingGoblet Squat: How To, Common Mistakes, Variations

When it comes to training with a barbell, knurling is something you will need to deal with whether you are aware of it or not. … Continue ReadingBarbell Knurling: Definition, Types, & Tips

The front deltoid is the muscle on the front of the shoulder. Despite being a relatively small muscle, the front deltoid plays a large role … Continue Reading15 Best Front Delt Exercises: How-Tos & Pro Tips

The rower is probably one of my favorite pieces of cardio-based equipment. I know that cardio sometimes feels like something we do not want to … Continue Reading9 Best Budget Rowing Machines

A gym bag is an important piece of equipment that most of us will use at one point or another in our fitness journeys. Gym … Continue Reading12 Best Gym Bags for Powerlifting, Swimming, and More

A kettlebell is a popular form of resistance often seen as an alternative to the standard dumbbell. It’s distinguished by the handle being on top … Continue ReadingThe 10 Best Exercises For Your Kettlebell Arm Workout

The Arnold press is a fantastic shoulder exercise, and like other shoulder presses, it can be a staple in any solid training program. With most … Continue ReadingArnold Press vs. Shoulder Press: Differences, Pros, Cons

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