Mauro Castillo

Mauro Castillo

Mauro Castillo is a General Medicine doctor with a master's degree in Sports Training and Business. He's been working in the fitness industry for the last seven years. He practiced CrossFit for 4 years before owning his own CrossFit and personal training gym. He works at a sports facility, helping athletes improve mentally and physically. You can connect with Mauro on his Instagram and LinkedIn.

Variables like nutrition, sleep, and exercise play a crucial role when cutting body fat. However, supplementing with creatine for weight loss can make a positive … Continue ReadingShould I Take Creatine While Cutting? Pros & Cons

I’ve successfully implemented both in my athletes’ training, but you must understand key movement differences to make the right choice. By the end of this … Continue ReadingTrap Bar Deadlift vs. Conventional: Differences, Pros, Cons

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